cold enough 
Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 10:03 AM
2days without a deer incident!

We got Blaise's pinewood derby car cutout and started painting it. He thinks it's cool. Arrow

No school yesterday for the boys....

Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit

People....are sad, conniving, deceitful. Untrustworthy people live on other peoples emotions just so they feel better about themselves. They're manipulative for their own well being. They need to take a good hard look at themselves and.....

Talk about hoops to jump through for 401K's...If I actually make to be able to withdraw later, I wonder how that will be. Damn I don't want to get that old, probably won't have anything to worry about.

Cool site of the Day: We Choose the Moon

Kansas ...they are dedicating a statue and Johney's to Mr. Orr today/night

Hope Chris is enjoying the 30-40 degree weather in Austin....will be -1 here tonight

Scientists Advocate Replacing Cattle With Insects I may never eat again if that were to happen.
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Deer are evil 
Monday, January 10, 2011, 09:27 AM
0days without a deer incident!

@!#@#%$%&^#%&$!!!!! Not a happy camper today! Didn't have choice had to hit it straight on or worse things could have happened with the inch of snow on the ground!

All three of my teams lost over the weekend. Colts nad Eagles both out of playoffs. ISU lost to Nebraska in first conference game of year with 1 sec left by 1 point.

Austin game at Urbandale tonight, weather pending. Blaise is skipping practice.

Rock climbing on Saturday for Rileys B'day...definately out of shape. Elbows held up until yesterday with the left one slightly sore.

IMS arrrgggg, but finally done and $$ I guess thats one way to look at it.

Is It Safe to Microwave Plastic? Bottom line NO ...not even with microwaveable plastic.....Just checking again, I saw this pasta boat thing and was like that would help immensely, but it's plastic. Every little thing helps prevent cancer, just as ever little thing helps cause cancer.
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Friday, January 7, 2011, 10:15 AM
Most likely the last time ISU plays bb in Lincoln will be tomorrow.

Light Peak

Cribbys birthday sledding party is tomorrow.

Chemical in Women's Tears Turns Men Off, Study Finds ...that explains it.

Indians lost by 1 last night to Johnston . Austin did not look well. He played slightly above average. He had the most assists on the team, but he looked like something was wrong with him. He did not want to talk about it either. He played totally flatfooted, didn't jump once. Was not agressive at all, he really didn't look normal. Almost as if he was suffering from oxygen deprivation, nervous about something major, or high on something. After the game he got mad when I was trying to figure it out, because as he put it he was fine.....Unfortunately I acted that way when I was his age only because my parents couldn't relate and were not there when I needed good sound advice. Of course Austin has never wanted that from me, because he knows everything. Most of that started when he was 7. I guess it's time to let him do his own thing.

About an inch of snow this morning, when I left home.

Samsung D8000 ...may just be the answer for some of those rooms that need a TV

It's great when the two teams that I follow(currently), besides my Cowboys are picked to lose this weekend. If that happens I'll be done with fb for the 2010 season.

No arms Gunslinger, adapting to fill in when pieces are missing.

Have a great weekend!

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Twisted games 
Thursday, January 6, 2011, 09:57 AM
Austin has a game tonight against Johnston, Blaise starts practice.

Riley hits 13 on Saturday.

Johneys gets dedicated next Wednesday at Hilton. Then we play Kansas...the outcome of that game may define our season, I hope it's close.

This is kinda of twisted.... SEGA Brings Gaming To Public Restroom Toilets
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011, 09:58 AM
I might actually like those stop light cameras if they were doing what they are in Sweden. The money they collect from speeding cameras goes into a lotto system for drivers that don't receive one.....These Drivers 'Win The Lottery' For Driving Under The Speed Limit

Whith all the so called technology advancements(sure most are very nice, but at what cost to humanity and the envirnoment??). traditions have become a thing of the past...want it now not later, twitter this, forget what happened 5 minutes ago what is happening right now....etc, etc,etc....Remember.. Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat It" ...usually the bad stuff.....

Austin played decent last night, but they were schooled by Ankeny. Jamie played fine, I was kinda surprised by most of the 3-pointers he threw up there with absolutely no of two of them were thrown up with two hands. Maybe he was just having a bad game. It will be fun to see them play in the spring together, when they actually have decent coaching.
Us parents don't know what we can do. We don't mind losing, but our coaches can't coach. Even Becky felt sorry for what she saw....and of course this is at all levels. Several of the varsity are seriously wanting to leave the team, because they can't deal with the atrocious and unintelligent coaching that Indinaola boys basketball teams are dealing with. The thing that really bothers me is this freshman team is one of the better teams Indianola has had for some time and they are not going to be able to play at their full potential.

SUPER IMPRESSIVE...This kid should easily make the pros if he doesn't have any problems.

Deep Thought of the Day: If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did.".

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